"Blessed are the weird people: poets, misfits, writers, mystics, painters, troubadours for they teach us to see the world through different eyes" ― Jacob Norby, writer
C.S. Devereaux’s love for stories of everyday people grew out of listening to her grandmothers tell about their lives. “I enjoy reading memoirs about the lives of famous people. But true stories based on the trials and tribulations of the common man intrigue me even more. Ordinary people teach us about history from a relatable personal perspective. They also teach us about ourselves. Human beings are led by emotions, dreams, and desires as much as by the need to survive. In that respect, we are the same today as we were in the past.”
An artist-turned-author, she often transferred observations of people and nature to canvas and paper. The extraordinary opportunity to live in major cities in the US and parts of Asia, and to travel across Europe broadened her world-view. From walking among ancient ruins in Greece to exploring the 15th Century lanes and alleyways of Kyoto, Japan, to visiting artist colonies in St. Petersburg, Russia, talking to those who live in and alongside ancient artifacts influenced her thinking and her writing, and left its indelible impression.
Today CS Devereaux lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where a stunning office view of Lookout Mountain inspires her daily. She has published essays in The Sun magazine, short stories in Chattanooga Writers Guild anthologies, and in Realms of the Fantastic, a recent release from Jumpmaster Press. Her previous novels include memoirs, Another Adventure, and Idelle.
Keep in touch via her Contact Page.